Tribal Trouble 2 invites you to an early release

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Beigetreten: 13.05.2008
Beiträge: 1410
Tribal Trouble 2 invites you to an early release

Early access to Open Beta for former Tribal Trouble 2 players and select GameSamba members

Tribal Trouble 2 Image
We are happy to announce that Tribal Trouble 2's Open Beta will begin at the end of this month! As a way of thanking former players, we are allowing you guys to get into the game before anyone else. This time, your Chieftain is here to stay!

With new maps & quests, new upgrades, leader boards, and so much more, there is a lot to explore. You can now play at

We are also including 2 keys to give to your friends so they can join you in TT2:


Just have them register HERE and enter one of the codes above, and they can play right away!

If you played TT2 before and you can't access the head start Open Beta, then email with your account name and we will get you into TT2 asap.

Bild des Benutzers comrad
Beigetreten: 13.05.2008
Beiträge: 5743

Open Beta, das war doch schon ewig veröffentlicht, oder nich? Ich hab das doch schonmal im Browser vor ein paar Jahren gesehen und so.

Bild des Benutzers rettichschnidi
Beigetreten: 13.05.2008
Beiträge: 1410

Ja, da gabs mal was. KA was da genau los ist. Besitzerwechsel und Neueröffnung?

Bild des Benutzers comrad
Beigetreten: 13.05.2008
Beiträge: 5743

Dieses GameSamba scheint wohl jetzt der Publisher zu sein, oddlabs scheinen das ja immernoch zu programmieren.
