Doomed to fail, aber evt. Interessierts ja jmd.:
Hello Alky fans,
You all signed up years ago for this email list due to your interest
in gaming on "alternative" platforms. Since the end of Alky,
Transgaming has done a magnificent job in delivering high quality
titles to Mac users, but they have all but abandoned their Linux
base. Linux Games Publishing has done their best to fill the void,
but their efforts haven't been earth shattering as of late.
Well, enough is enough. Obviously porting isn't fertile ground for
Linux - we discovered this the hard way. Instead, it's high time
someone stepped up to the plate and delivered a high-end game that
ONLY runs on Linux. Windows users have had numerous such titles over
the years which begs the question: Why not ONE for Linux?
That plan is already in the works. Come join us!
Also, please take a minute of your time to Digg us to help spread the
Best regards,
Team Bossanova
P.S. I realize some of you aren't fans of Linux and will find no value
in this email. I apologize for the inconvenience; this will be the
one and only correspondence in regards to Project Bossanova on this
Wollte es heute mit ins Newspaket machen, habs aber nicht übers Herz gebracht.
Sowas verdient nen eigenen Eintrag m.E.
Vllt. schaffe ich das noch.