Zur Lizenz: IMHO ist die grauenhaft, wirklich nicht motivierend da Zeit reinzustecken.
SHADOWGROUNDS & SHADOWGROUNDS SURVIVOR SOURCE CODE LICENSE THE COMPUTER CODE ("SOURCE CODE") CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF FROZENBYTE LTD. ("FROZENBYTE"). FROZENBYTE GRANTS TO END-USERS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO USE, DISPLAY, MODIFY, DISTRIBUTE AND CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS OF THE SOURCE CODE, SO LONG AS SUCH ACTION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY-FREE AND REVENUE-FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER TAKE ANY ACTION WHEREBY THE SOURCE CODE CONTAINED HEREIN WOULD BE USED FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USING THE SOURCE CODE IN ANY WAY. THE SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND FROZENBYTE MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO THE USABILITY OR CORRECTNESS OF THE SOURCE CODE. ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. FROZENBYTE RETAINS THE RIGHT TO ALTER THESE LICENSE TERMS AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON. SOURCE CODE README AND FURTHER LICENSE NOTES ------------------------------------------------- Last update to this file: 21st of April 2011 (v1) This source code package allows you to compile the game and develop it further if you wish (for non-commercial purposes). All other files, including the art assets and the level editor, remain the sole property and copyright of Frozenbyte. You may not distribute any of the files not included in the source code package. Should the source code include any 3rd party files or software, the copyright remains with the original owner and you are not allowed to distribute or modify such files or software. It is also forbidden to distribute Shadowgrounds or Shadowgrounds Survivor, or any direct derivative, in any way (e.g. not even for free), in any "app stores" such as the Mac App Store or similar, or in any distribution channel that has authorization control by a third party. If you have a question about the license or a specific file, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're mostly just covering our legal base with this stuff. Please note that we cannot provide any official support for this source code release. You can however visit the Frozenbyte Community at http://www.frozenbyte.com/board/ to discuss the games and the source.
Da werde ich mich die Tage mal ans Kompilieren setzen, hoffentlich läuft Shadowsgrounds dann auf meinem nomultilib 64bit System.
Bei Trine sind auch in der aktuellen Version einige libs immer nur noch als 32bit mit dabei. Also kein Spielspaß bei 64bit Masochisten wie mir. ;)