Ein Beat-Em-Up-Prügelspiel im Aztekischen Look. Das Spiel wird 2014 für Windows, OS X, Linux und noch viele weitere Plattformen erscheinen. Es ist eine Mischung aus einem rundenbasiertem Strategiespiel, bei dem man das aztekische Reich vergrößern und halten muss. Einzelne Kämpfe werden dann in einer Beat-Em-Up-Kampfszenerie gespielt.
Hier die Informationen aus der Presseecke des Herstellers:
In Aztez, you are responsible for expanding and maintaining the Aztec empire with turn-based strategy gameplay, and managing violent outbreaks with real-time beat 'em up gameplay segments. But your actions in one gameplay type directly affect the other! A game of Aztez doesn't take to long to play, but it is designed to be hugely replayable, as every game of exciting empire management is different from the last; different events will occur, different challenges will emerge, and different spoils will be taken every time you play. Inspired by the timeless surprise gameplay of Weird Worlds: Return To Infinite Space and the deeply and expressive action gameplay of Bayonetta, Aztez is like no other game you've ever played. Key features:
- 4+ complete weapon sets: the spear, the club, the ritual knife, the legendary obsidian sword, and more.
- Finely tuned array of enemies based on the Aztec archetypes: the Eagle warriors, the Jaguar warriors, the Noble warriors, the combat Priests, and more.
- Customizable avatar; beat the gear off of your enemies and wear it!
- 30+ combat environments based on real Aztec cities.
Das Spiel wurde am 1. August 2017 veröffentlicht.
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