Shattered Pixel Dungeon

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Ein Roguelike Dungeon Crawler RPG mit gut gemachter pixeliger Grafik. Jedes Spiel ist einmalig und wird jeweils generiert. Insgesamt vier Charaktere stehen dem Spieler zur Auswahl zur Verfügung und hunderte Gegenstände möchten im immer tiefer führenden Dungeon aufgefunden werden. Leicht zu spielen doch schwierig zu meistern.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is an open source game based on the source code of Pixel Dungeon by Watabou (first released in late 2012). It started in 2014 as a project to rebalance Pixel Dungeon but has steadily grown into its own game over the last 8 years!

Features Include:

  • 5 Heroes, each with 2 subclasses, 3 endgame abilities, and over 25 talents.
  • Over 250 items including equipment, consumables, and items crafted via alchemy.
  • 5 dungeon regions, 26 floors, over 100 room types, and trillions of possible floor layouts.
  • Over 60 enemy types, 30 traps, and 5 detailed bosses to test your skills.
  • 9 optional challenges and over 100 achievements for completionists.
  • Interface modes for large and small screens, and support for multiple input types.
  • Updates roughly every 3 months with new content, fixes, and improvements.
  • Support for many languages thanks to the game’s dedicated communities.
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